Saturday 4 June 2011

Novel ideas.

I'm not really a TV watcher. I prefer to stare at the glow of my computer monitor after the kids have gone to bed or when they're busy trying to scrape coconut out of their shells right now. I like to write stories and in the past year or two, I've written a couple of short novels. I finished 2, but have a third that I just got stuck on. I don't post original stories or hand them out to be read. I just like the process of weaving plots into a story and how it flows naturally. I do post fan fiction stories occasionally. I'm not nearly as intimidated by doing that. It's not nearly as personal and I enjoy reading the comments on where I take the stories.

So all this to say, this unfinished short novel has been a thorn in my side for months. I've thought about it. I've gone back to look at it. I've done hand stands while thinking about it. I've asked my kids what they think I should do. All for nought. And today I came across this blog that I thought was very handy dandy.

I should probably take the time to read more things on writing to see if they can help me because this was so much better than standing on my head. And for bonus points sans the head rush.  I've already tried a few of their suggestions, but there are many more. I think the one that would really work for me is jumping ahead. I'm having problems weaving a few characters back together. It's like weaving a basket and getting the top and looking at all of the ends and not knowing where they go exactly. I know it should all fit. I know how it ends. It's just tying them together. I may just need to push ahead to the ending and then see if I can put them together.

I'm sure this is probably a sign of madness. That I write things that I don't let people read but then continue to write them. But for some reason, writing always felt good. I have passing ideas, images and plots and it burns to not write it out. And then I want to weave some of the ideas together into a story. It's a challenge to see if I can make them fit fluidly.

Anyway, enough waffling. I really enjoyed her post and anyone else who is stuck on a creation, this is a good read.

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